Ace director Rajamouli’s one-man show Eega is not flying on May-30th. As per Rajmouli tweet on this movie is getting postponed to either June 8th or 15th not yet confirmed. But why Eega is keep on postponing is Rajamouli really scared to release at this juncture?
Yes , Say the trade .With Gabbar Singh effect all big movies are postponed, Daruvu has been postpone by 1 week, Endukante Premanta was postponed and now Eega. Pawan’s mania such high that no one showing any kind of interest towards other movies , Rajamouli sent feelers that Eega may face the Censor on May-21st or postpone further one or two weeks to check the response for his film and tasted negative results hence he opted to postpone the release by a week or two stating the same old reason (ie) CG and pending graphic works.
Naani, Samantha are being paired in this picture. Sudheep is playing as antagonist in this flick.
Rajamouli tweeted as follows..For every film enthusiast out there who have been waiting for eega, I apologise as we are not releasing on 30th of this month. I know it is Disappointing. I am disappointed myself.We underestimated the amount of time for CG. I am extremely happy with the quality of CG 4 the shots We received so far.I want 2 ensure d same quality is maintained 4 the rest. Everyone is workin 24/7 to get d film out ASAP Hope U’ll excuse SS Rajamouli
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