The problem of your computer is either a driver, hardware or heat matter. Try to update the chipset drivers with the original that came from your motherboard. If it doesn’t work after updating your chipset, try to update with windows update to get the allocated driver, make sure to see if your Hard disk drive is running hot, if you can’t touch it, get purge of it.
But if that process doesn’t work, try these steps for you to fix it correctly and efficiently.
2 Erase unnecessary files in the windows temporary folder.
- Double Click My Computer.
- Double Click the drive where windows is installed. This is naturally Drive C.
- Double Click the windows folder. This is naturally C:\Windows.
- Double Click the temp folder. This is naturally C:\Windows\temp.
- Press control-A to select all files and folders.
- Press the delete key.
- If confirmation is asked to remove these files, select yes to all.
3. Defragment hard disk.
- Close all the running applications.
- Disable your screen saver.
- Disable all the programs on the taskbar if possible.
- Click Start.
- Click Program.
- Click Accessories.
- Click System Tools.
- Click Defrag.
- Select the drive to defrag. You should defrag every hard disk on your system. This process can take a long time.
- Click Ok.
- Enable your screen saver.
4. Remove Startup programs
- Select Run
- Type msconfig in the text box
- The “System Configuration Utility” window will open
- A list of programs will be shown having a checkbox to the leftside of the name.
- Click on the checkbox to enable the program (so it runs when windows boots) and click a second time to
- Uncheck the box to disable the program (so it does not run when windows boots).
5. Set the size of the virtual memory (swap file) to an constant optimal size.
————————————-- Right click My Computer
- Click Properties
- The System Properties window lists the amount of RAM in your PC (record this for step#8)
- Click Performance
- Click Virtual Memory
- Click Let me specify my own virtual memory settings
- Click the arrow next to the hard disk.
- These are some guidelines to pick the best place for your virtual memory file.
a) Select the quickest hard disk.b) If you have 2 hard disks that are comparable in performance, choose the hard disk that doesn’t contain Windows system files.c) Make sure the drive has free space equal to at least twice the size of the recommended swap file size.d) If the partition is on the same physical drive, select the partition in alphabetical order. For example, if you have one 2GB hard disk and you partition it into two 1GB partitions drive C & D) You should pick Drive C over Drive D if meets all the guidelines of a, b & c.- Set the Minimum/Maximum to: With large hard disks settings a 128mb or 256mb swap file should be sufficient in almost every situation.
Note: The total of RAM and the size of the virtual memory file is the highest amount of RAM you can use at once. Win386.swp is the filename used for the exchange file. The file is fairly large, don’t remove it.- Click OK.
- After setting the size of the virtual memory file windows will display the following message. You have chosen not to let windows manage virtual memory automatically. Click Yes.
- You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect. Do you want to restart your computer now? Click Yes
- Sometimes Windows 95 takes a long time to shut down. During this time, it is doing necessary system maintenance. You must wait while the computer shuts down.
Also try using a registry cleaner, some file paths may be redundant, a registry cleaner will fix these errors. Visit for top rated cleaners
- Actually this problem bothered me quite a long time too, but recently I find functional software which can fix all these problems just with one click: tuneup360, maybe you guys could have a try.
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