PDF means Portable Document Format.Its benfit is that the fonts
and formatting of a document remains same on any computer.
Another benefits that pdf is very common format and most of
the professionals save there document in this format.There are
so many softwares available on the internet that can be used to
convert document in pdf but you can save web pages in pdf
format by using Google chrome.A complete guide is given below
by which you can easily do it.
Another benefits that pdf is very common format and most of
the professionals save there document in this format.There are
so many softwares available on the internet that can be used to
convert document in pdf but you can save web pages in pdf
format by using Google chrome.A complete guide is given below
by which you can easily do it.
How to save web pages in pdf format
1.First of all open the web page that you like in Google chrome.
2.Than press ctrl+p to open print preview.
3.Now in the left sidebar you will se a Destination option in
that select Print to PDF.
that select Print to PDF.
4.Than click on Print option and give the destinaion to save
your web page.
your web page.
5.You have done...!! In this way you can save web pages in
pdf forma
pdf forma
That's a cool way to do that. I didn't know that Chrome offered that option. I don't usually use Chrome for every day things like setting up my blog but I can switch and use that feature when necessary. Good tip for saving interesting blog posts.