Wednesday, 13 June 2012

How To Use Social Networks In Blogging

Day by day social networking is becoming a side pillar for bloggers. With the vast network they help bloggers in improving interaction of visitors through social networks ever since the evolution of them in this decade. As they started gaining scope the webmasters started concentrating on utilizing them in making their brand name online. Not only for the business but it became mandatory for bloggers also to gain attention for their blog from social networks.
By using social networks it is easy for visitors to share the content or product with their friends and to recommend the product by giving it a like/+1 or by sharing/tweeting it online.
What a social friendly content?
There is some difference between good articles and social network friendly articles. It depends on how well you interact with the reader throughout the article. All great articles cannot become social network friendly. But I admin that there are some cases we cannot go social throughout the article. But in some cases for example if you are writing a review on senior care software , you might go social so that it will reach the reader at its top peak.
How to optimize social networks in Blogs
Many seo experts die hard to optimize sites with social networks as they are the main attraction nowadays for people online.
The first thing you must do is to create accounts on all social sites for example Facebook, twitter , MySpace , G+ etc. Not in the name of webmaster but for the blog. Facebook has a wonderful option for this called as fan page. Almost every blogger and webmaster has fan page nowadays. But still some fail to utilize them.
Now its time to add all of them(sharing feature of them) into your blog so that users of the particular network can directly share your content in a single click. No user is patient enough to copy paste your content into their social network account.
Adding this in the right place also matters. It is not a good thing to add share/like buttons on top of your post/content as no one are interested in sharing your content too early even before knowing the inside of it. So always add itbelow the post so that they socialize the content before leaving your page.
Study your articles which has got the highest  number of shares. And try to understand the mentality of the visitors you get. And adopt the same in your future work.
Use forums to discuss about the topics you right on. Make sure that you choose the right niche before going for forum discussion as this is really an important thing to look on.
The last but not the least, always try to publicize your fan count on your blog for example using a Facebook likes widget which shows number of fans or even fans profile pics. One more example is showing number of newsletter subscribers.

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