The sets of Mahesh Babu’s upcoming flick with director Sukumar at Annapurna Studios is flooded with pretty models, quite literally at that. There are so many of them strutting around that it seems as though there are auditions for some Miss Indian contest going on. On enquiring we discovered that there were over 2,000 of them all here for a song shoot in the movie. Mahesh Babu joined the sets of the film today and shot the song with 600 models doing their thing in the backdrop. This must be another record for Mahesh Babu, anything less it seems is just not good enough for him. Song shoots in Tollywood have become an elaborate affair these days. Devi Sri Prasad has composed the music for this movie.
Produced under the 14 Reels Entertainment banner, the film has Kajal Aggarwal playing the female lead. The song shoot will be wrapped up in a day, after which a fight sequence is scheduled for shooting.
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